Milking the blue cow

This historical expression originates from the west coast of Denmark and refers to the fact of living on the flotsam of the sea. After every major storm, the coastal dwellers once climbed over the sandy dunes to the beach to collect everything that was driven by the thundering waves. The furnishing of the houses on the coast is said to have been like a ship’s cabin at that time, that’s how productive the yield was. Besides fishing, the gold of the North – amber – secured the livelihood of the inhabitants of the North Sea.

People have never lived in harmony with nature

The image of a person who lives harmoniously in harmony with nature is a fairy tale from the realm “Retrotopia“. Since we have inhabited this planet, we have been cutting down forests, building settlements and digging huge holes in the ground to extract raw materials. Nature would only be “left alone” if we were prepared to die out.

Environmental protection starts with the existential protection of all individuals

The historical yield of “the blue cow” was punishable: according to Danish law at that time, everything that drove the sea with the waves belonged to the king. The retention of the beach property was illegal. However, the crown was not regularly involved in the finds.

People who do not have secure basic care at all times have always been imaginative: when it comes to securing their own existence, it is not and has not only been used for legal means. People who suffer an existential deficiency cannot be expected to protect the environment from securing their existence. As long as people suffer from a lack of an existential nature, they will tap into the available resources in their environment – regardless of applicable law.

Those who have to secure their existence cannot take into account formal legal regulations. This is implied by the very term: existence-security! Fair legislation does not require individuals to do so. A fair system secures the existence of all citizens and at the same time protects the planet with all its resources.

National? No matter!

Demographic developments demand political action – and globally!

Our world population is constantly growing. While in 1900 the average global life expectancy was still around 30 years, only a hundred years later – in 2000 – it was already around 65 years.

Our number is not growing – as we like to assume – because we multiply like rabbits, but because, thanks to modern medicine, we no longer die like flies!

Against the background of the ageing of baby boomer generation, the expectation of a fair pension in the western world is one thing above all: not safe! Even today, poverty in old age is no longer a theoretical concept in the rich industrialised countries. In contrast, there will be countless young, poorly educated young people in other parts of the world who also have claims to a life worth living. The historian Yuval Noah Harari already warns of a “class of the useless”.

Global livelihoods

Global livelihoods are a task that, in addition to the elimination of suffering and hardship, would be a bonus, as it were, to introduce global happiness. For, although the research on happiness has not yet found a “generally valid formula of happiness”,: the happiness researchers of the world agree on one thing: securing livelihoods is an essential key to the happiness of individuals and a guarantor of peace.

People who do not suffer existential hardship are less willing to cause unrest and to wage war. What an opportunity for humanity we have in our hands – in an age in which a worldwide and fair distribution – for example via blockchain – would be feasible!

“Blockchain can enable direct democracy at an unprecedented level, with tamper-proof digital voting rights.”

Pavel Romanenko, blockchain expert

Global environmental protection

Whether global warming is man-made or a natural process, we must counteract – globally, of course: national measures are not sustainable or globally helpful.

“Discussions only stop us. Thus, the achievement of the set objectives is in jeopardy. All this is only because we lament the rights and obligations of the various countries on the way to saving the climate.”

Karl-Heinz Land, author, utopian, speaker and founder of Neuland

Whether it is marine pollution or resource scarcity, in most cases we have created the problem ourselves: why not solve it with the means at our disposal?

The scientific ideas range from billions of mirrors in the sky over space curtains, molecular iron that can promote CO2-absorbing phytoplankton, or artificial forests that can remove CO2 from the atmosphere.  


So multifaceted the proposals for artificial influence of geochemical and biochemical Processes to save our planet are also: they all have one thing in common – they are incredibly elaborate and expensive. Only a global community would able to implement them and bear the costs.

Nevertheless – neither politics nor science are a substitute for the much-needed change in individual behavior in dealing with each other and our Earth: the most powerful tool for saving the planet is the change of the mindset of each individual human being.

National policy according to the motto “Tomorrow never comes”

If we in Europe expect a “pension wave” of baby boomers, it will be a veritable pension tsunami in some nations. While entire areas of the country will become increasingly lonely, in other parts of the world the conurbations will be full of young people looking for employment and a decent life.

More people need more resources

Although, mathematically speaking, it is a simple calculation and the development is well known, there is still no serious political and global approach to remedying it. A rogue who suspects that this may be related to the national electoral terms of democratic governments that do not extend into the days of the retirement of baby boomers or the ultimate climate collapse. Politics today is often run according to the pattern of old ropes and the motto – “what do I care about problems that will burn after my term of office?”

While the economy is already reacting globally to the changing market and demographic change, new working models and concepts are being tried out, national politics is above all one thing: dealing with itself! This is reflected in many places in the political disaffection of citizens, who do not feel picked up or involved by their country’s democracy.

“Yes, there are these old-man circles in politics that can look back on years of careers in local, county or state associations. They have waited a long time and worked towards where they are today. Now it’s their turn. Then there are the agreements before party congresses who is elected, when and how, and every deviation is critically eyed and acknowledged with rejection. And it is precisely these circles that urgently need a refreshment cure, or rather: an update.”

Tijen Onaran Author, Speaker and Founder of the CEO of the network “Global Digital Woman” in her book “The Network Bible”

Politics 2.0 – Global Network!

But digitalization, and especially globalization, does not stop at national politics. Technological and social developments make a rethink imperative.

Governments must begin to listen to their constituents and work with you to develop political ideas. Behind ordinary voters are people with social visions in many places. These need to be addressed and discussed today, without local party associations, professional lobbyists, PR campaigns, TV advertising or direct mail campaigns.

There is a growing demand for a policy that uses WEB 2.0 tools to shape votes. In a modern and digital democracy, voting on political decisions is possible online where the citizen is: in the supermarket, in the restaurant or on the bus. And the exciting thing about it is – that’s what’s going on all over the world today!

“The political technology of the industrial age is no longer suitable for the new civilization that is taking shape around us. Our politicians are old-fashioned.”

Alvin Toffler, author of “Future Shock

Our Crisis: Danger and Possibility

The Chinese character for “crisis” is composed of the characters “danger” and “possibility”. The future will show whether we are able to take advantage of the great opportunities we have today.

Policy 2.0 should provide all citizens worldwide with existential security, such as an unconditional basic income, as well as global protection against crime, as demanded by cybercrime expert Thomas-Gabriel Rüdiger. Policy 2.0 works efficiently and globally to protect its citizens, the environment and its resources – and this is completely transparent, without consultation in national backrooms.

The blue cow of Denmark today carries plastic garbage to the beach. Once everyone wanted to own the flotsam and jetsam, today no one wants to be responsible for it. Only a few volunteers collect it.

We make use of the available resources as if we lived on a planet called Everyman’s Land – but when it comes to responsibility, as if the name of our planet was – No Man’s Land! But it is one thing above all – our only and common home!

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