Why do managers not react like Pavlovian dogs?

“The idea of behaviorism is now a good hundred years old: You expose animals and humans to certain stimuli or stimuli and observe how they react to them (“response”). If these stimuli or stimuli are chosen wisely, animals and humans react as desired. So people can be manipulated after one has practiced it enough on animals. In German people use the word “incentive” and the manipulation system is called “Anreizsystem”. If people react as desired, then “the incentives take effect”. If they do not, then “the incentives have been misplaced”. Incentives for people are usually rewards or punishments. After the experiments with the Pavlovian dogs (who at the sound of the bell make their mouth water, because in their experience there will certainly be something to eat soon) it is known that indirect incentives can also be given. You call people to work! Then they are happy like dogs that there will be money (“food”) for it sometime. If this works well, the rewards can be slowly reduced, because people have already gotten used to just being happy about the work itself, money or no money. This is why people often do not earn so much.


Managers, on the other hand, earn a lot because they are the only ones who don’t show any Pavlovian reflex: they want money directly and not money promised”


Gunter Dueck in “disruptive times”

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