Filled with curiosity. Who is Arseniy Pavlenko?

Arseniy Pavlenko was born in 2001 in Kharkiv, Ukraine. He currently works as a speechwriter in the Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs. His main interests include communication, philosophy and art.

What drives your spirit, Aseniy?

I am driven in my life mainly by curiosity. As a child, I too often dismissed things as “stupid” and “boring” until, as I got older, I decided to really get involved with new topics. In doing so, I noticed that you can observe very similar mechanisms, developments and roles across many topics. As if they were each just another manifestation of the same laws that make up life. I find this particularly fascinating.

Despite many privileges that come with Munich as a hometown, there are still many challenges that have to be faced. In my opinion, one of the biggest challenges facing my generation is the overload of stimuli and information that we are exposed to in our digitalized society. The flip side of the coin of a society with seemingly unlimited knowledge resources. Therefore, it is part of my mission not to lose my navigation in the midst of this stream and to keep inner peace.




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