Committee for eductaion. Part 2. (26/52 – Terraism)

Illustration by Susanne Gold/ text by Ted Ganten
In this clip you will get more information on “Terraism”. Download the full book.

We are still looking at education as possibly the most important element in preserving the planet. This week we are looking at content and new forms of delivering such content. It is time for a change.

Education strengthens personalities

Furthermore, it would be time to integrate interpersonal elements into education. How do I cultivate friendships? What are elements of a functioning partnership or love relationship? Sex education is still not a subject in all schools around the world and even where it is taught, essential elements on how to live it outside of stereotypes with one another are often missing. Many of the interpersonal topics are based on a deeper understanding of oneself. What feels good? What can I do well, what not? What is important to me? When do I run into subconscious patterns that can get in my way in the rest of my life? Of course, school is not intended to become a psychotherapy institution, but there is a long way to go between getting to know yourself and today’s understanding of education.

Happy people, happy world

Since happiness will take on a new meaning in peacefull societies, this too needs become a school subject. Pilots already exist, even in Germany. Beyond taking psychotropic drugs and using deep brain stimulators, what are the possibilities to be happy, to stay happy? In addition to Buddhist and other teachings, elements of neuro-linguistic programming offer interesting approaches. As obvious as these topics are to all my interlocutors, they are not included in the national curricula. Here, Latin, mathematical topics, which at least I have never used again, and blunt knowledge transfer are still prioritized. Probably because it is easier to check. A subject without grades is still difficult to imagine. In any case, teaching content that is currently needs to be acquired in expensive seminars for privileged adults should at least be addressed through apps, podcasts, live and video sessions. Because of its importance I revert to this topic in more detail later.

New forms of education

If education is seen as a key component in preserving the planet, it would be exciting to rethink not only the content of teaching but also the form of instruction. In the third millennium after Christ, schools are accessible to more people in percentage terms, but teaching still takes place as it did then. One person talks live or virtually and teaches the children. In “modern” schools this is sometimes interrupted by group work. Strangely enough, nobody invests in completely new, promising forms of teaching. Hypnotherapy or suggestopedia, for example, seem to have the potential to take the learning experience to the next level. Those who can learn the material required in the national school systems faster have more time to deal with the important things outlines above. In my view, research into these learning and teaching methods can make a real contribution to planetary conservation in the medium term. This could lead to the development of a new type of school, in addition to net- and smartphone-based forms of education. Comparable to Waldorf and Montessori schools, the terraistic association could establish a private school system in which not only the most important future-oriented values are taught, but also a next generation could grow up who, through trance-based learning, could bring a real advantage to a society in which lifelong learning becomes the norm. The association could use the successful franchise-like operation of these schools to generate funds in developed countries that could be used in other regions or online for education in poorer societies. Otherwise there is a danger that the new form of learning could become the privilege of the elite.

We will get back to the poic of how to adress happiness in education. Next week is dedicated to another severe threat to planet preservation: Possible over population!

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