The one who advocates ethical value creation: Who is Joerg Puma?

Jörg Puma was born in Augsburg in 1968. After his double degree in business administration and socio-economics, he earned his doctorate in the training department of Siemens AG on the subject of change architecture for value-oriented corporate management. At the same time he was responsible for training and change projects in the areas of strategy, finance and innovation.

For Krones, which is active in the bottling industry, the expert for transformation processes established a network of company-owned training centres worldwide. Today, Krones’ clients and employees are trained at the company’s facilities in Bangkok, Shanghai, Chicago, Johannesburg, Lagos, Kenya, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Riyadh, etc., using the training concept he has developed. The beverage producers say that, together with this training, Krones’ machines deliver 20 per cent higher output than machines from other suppliers.

Since 2018 Jörg worked for APRIL Asia, an Asian company based in Singapore andIndonesia, which specializes in sustainable fiber production for paper and viscose. In order totransform the learning organization for his employer, Jörg moved to Indonesia in 2018. Therehe was building a training center in the middle of the jungle, which helps the company toachieve good quality with sustainable production methods and provide the best developmentopportunities in Indonesia for employees and managersToday he is CEO of the Transformation Institute PTI.

What drives you, Jörg?

I am passionately committed to the reorientation of companies.

It is important to me that companies focus on their purpose rather than on profits and short-term equity gains. I am certain that this is the only way to achieve true innovation, good relationships with suppliers and customers, fulfilling work and sustainable value creation. These are the most important trends for me, which is why I have already dedicated my doctorate to this topic.

Today I see the economy in a fundamental transformation. In my opinion, this is leading away from short-term profit orientation to better management. A management that is more digestible and profitable and therefore delivers a real increase in prosperity for the benefit of employees, companies and society as a whole.

I am an expert in supporting companies and managers in their transformation and the necessary development of individual and organizational skills. My declared goal is to promote this development, which requires a new way of thinking and doing business. I want to convey the necessary knowledge for this in a logical, comprehensible and above all inspiring way

In a world where the Millennials choose their workplace as well as their investments according to aspects of environmental and social sustainability, it is simply more profitable to invest in ethically managed companies.

That’s why I’m committed to ensuring that more and more managers understand the importance of trustworthy organisations: Good customer loyalty, a highly attractive workforce and trustworthy innovation networks make companies innovative and resilient.


Puma Jörg


You would like to contact Jörg?

Then write him an e-mail or follow him on Xing or LinkedIn. You can also visit his homepage Pumainstiut.

You can find a free sample of his new book here. You can find his other books and his blog post on the topic of new leadership here.






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