Who is Michaela Rajana Sens? Biography

Michaela Rajana Sens was born in 1977, was born in Munich and works full-time in a tax office after studying business administration. Since 2017 she has recognized for herself that working directly with people gives her a lot and has recently started to work part-time with meditations and shamanic work.

What drives you?

I love to approach people with an open heart and thereby open their own. An open laugh from my counterpart is the greatest gift to me. To connect with my fellow men not only verbally, but also on the emotional level.

My wish is to bring together as many like-minded people as possible in a peaceful intention to create a new abundance outside of consumerism and meritocracy.

It is also very important to me to be able to offer free trauma therapy myself at some point in the future and to make it accessible to as many people as possible, because I myself have been able to experience the greatest possible healing through the combination of talking and working with my body and nervous system over the past two years.

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