Diana Roth

Human Relation Manager with Passion – Who is Diana T. Roth?

Diana Roth was born in Siegburg in 1963. She trained as a legal assistant, then went into the diplomatic service and was then transferred to the German Embassy in Bern. Afterwards she trained in HR, adult education and coaching. She learned 5 professions during this time and worked in 7 industries. Today she is a trainer and book author for HR managers with her own podcast.

What drives you, Diana?

I would like to see the opportunities that the development of the world shows to each individual. A small virus turned everything upside down and showed: personal development and relationships are really what makes us tick – which will also count in the future. I am on a mission to reach more than 1 million HR managers – employees and executives – in the DACH countries with my books, podcasts, blogs and posts, tapping the domino that can make the world of work fairer.

There is clearly too little glitter on the ground of the working world.

I am of the firm opinion: HRM good – business good. Whereby I refer to HRM as Human Relation Management. Because it is always the relationships that remain, shape and make many things possible. That’s why I founded the HRM Online Academy, Switzerland in 2017 and give free weekly tips in my podcast HRM Adventure.

Find Diana’s non-fiction books 2020/2021 here:

“Too young, too old, too pregnant, too skilled – that’s what makes the world of work tick!” “Trust the mistrust – that’s how the working world ticks! Here is an article in the Wirtschaftswoche. For daily HRM info, follow Diana T. Roth on LinkedIN

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