Who is Stephanie Hakel? Biography

Stephanie Hakel supports parent couples, after the birth of their child, to reawaken their desire for sex and to have fun in bed again.

Who am I?

I’m Stephanie Hakel and this is my story

My daughter Maya has changed my life and not only with her birth in November 2015, the whole thing started earlier. August 22, 2011, the day she announced herself to me. The day her soul first spoke to me.

At that time, my life was focused on career. My whole life had to subordinate itself to my work. Children had no place. I never wanted kids. What’s the point?! But then this soul came. She wants to see me. Absolutely. And she has the audacity to make demands. She will come as soon as I have recognized and accepted two things for me.

1. To love myself unconditionally

2. Recognizing and living my abilities and talents

Oh, it’s a good thing I don’t want kids.

The conversation was quickly forgotten and I was back at work.

But the seed was planted.

I became more and more unhappy. I no longer enjoyed my work. So 9 months later I quit my job and went travelling.

In January 2014 I met Michael and for the first time in my life I felt a desire to have children. Maya was very present and I was ready to develop in the pig gallop.

Maya showed herself briefly, but after a few weeks she left again. I have one more experience, then she’ll be back.

In March 2015 I was ready. She moved her in with me and with her my self-love grew.

Since I have now recognized my talents and abilities, it was time to live them. I want to support women in recognizing their destiny. But it should remain at the will. Again Maya has her fingers in the pie.

She uncovers every single relationship problem between me and Michael. She brought us to our limits and it was she who made us heal some issues. So is our unlived sexuality. A topic that many parents encounter after birth. But on the contrary to us, many parents break up.

With this my new theme is born: “Children of the new age need awakening parents”!

Healing sexuality and awakening one’s own sexual energy helps in awakening 🙂


One comment on “Who is Stephanie Hakel? Biography”
  1. This time will pass.

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